

September 16, 2019 0 By Aaron Weir

Marvel Comics: The Wasp

An obvious answer to the question ”if your bug was a superhero what would it be?’ is a the character Wasp from the Avengers. Her ability to fly and squeeze into tight places is similar to the mutillidae. Unlike the mutillidae though, The Wasp can’t sting her enemies.

Tunneling by Olga Dmytrenko

A very abstract painting called Tunneling by Olga Dmytrenko reminds me of the burrows and tunnels mutillidaes dig. Now it isn’t really tunnels or burrows, but the sense of them is certainly present. The color scheme and movement of the paint is quite beautiful.

The Departure by Max Richter

The song The Departure, although it has no words, reminds me the movements and activities of the mutillidae. The rise and fall of the notes and the tempo of the song all come together to provide almost a soundtrack for the life of a mutillidae as it flies and digs around.