What it Means to be a Great Architect

What it Means to be a Great Architect

December 6, 2018 0 By Aaron Weir

A great architect is not one who is incredibly rich or super famous. And in fact, it is not hard to be a great architect. It may require more time and more work. It may be complex or stressful. But it is easy. Focusing on equity, ecology, and economy while remembering the form and function. Through entrepreneurship, contextual practice, and resourcefulness one can be a great architect.


Image result for bruce goff house
Bruce Goff – Ford House

To be a great architect one must be entrepreneurial…

You must have vision and be ready to take action. Working at the leading edge of ideas, technologies, methods, and discipline process. Architects must leverage technology and inordinately design. They must express a good attitude while exploring new ideas. And most of all they must be willing to take risks and reach the outer limit of their concepts. Entrepreneurial architects must look through a cultural lens and build an artistic plan.


Image result for renzo piano paris museum
Renzo Piano – Centre Pompidou

To be a great architect one must be contextual…

Architects must be sensitive to people and place. They must respond to the identified social, cultural, and environmental contexts of the people and the place. Architects must also be vulnerable with their designs. They should get to know clients and take risks with their designs. And within these risks be honest and accept critiques. Architecture is also based on a team, not just one or two faces. It is important to listen to this team and work as a whole.


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Kieran Timberlake – Loblolly House

To be a great architect one must be resourceful…

An architect must relentlessly leverage their assets and look to local resources and local trade. They must always strive for sustainability as well. Look to the environment and see it as an equal or an extension of humanity itself. But they does not mean an architect should not look to new and wide technologies. Technology is essential and should be utilized to effectively and efficiently express a place.


Image result for CCTV building

Rem Koolhas – CCTV Headquarters

Architecture is a social act…

Great architecture is not only about beauty, but also the function and stability. Architecture must be innovative and new. It must flow with and for the people. The resources and labor used with affect lives and environments greatly and architects must not forget. Social equity is a huge step in an architects design process as well. Allowing fair access to all. Designing for all.