

February 3, 2020 0 By Aaron Weir

Perspective of the Exhibition Space

Physical Models

Final Project Diagram

Symmetrical Forms Arranged Asymmetrically

Regular Rhythm

Vegetation Representation

Almost all projects and drawings in the exhibit incorporate vegetation. Either within or surrounding each project are trees, grass, or bushes. Woven throughout the structures and paths are thoughtfully placed plants. None are random or appear as a simple afterthought. Within each elaborate design of structure and space is the utilization of vegetation. Within the models and drawings the trees and grass are just as beautiful and perfect as the buildings. The students knew that a great design is more than the concrete and metal buildings they imagined. But great design must bring in the beauty and life of nature. Through abstract representation in the models and the time consuming details in the sketches. A twisted piece of metal or a crumpled slip of paper expressing the movements and locations of trees. The lines of every leaf and the shape of each branch drawn in place frozen in time. Plants paved a way to change and enhance their work in many ways. Even as seasons and days moved forward. Trees grow and die, they provide shade and shelter. Grass a natural carpet and instrument of the wind. Nature must be utilized by designers and is almost substantial to an architects work. Especially a renegade.

My Relationship with the American School

It has been over 60 years since the American school first began at the University of Oklahoma, but the legacy lives on. Like the students 60 years ago, today’s students are challenged in the same ways. I’m challenged everyday to utilize the unexpected. I’m challenged everyday to think environmentally. I’m challenged everyday to work as hard as I can. These ideas are seen all throughout the museum exhibition. Each piece of work is greatly different than the others, but still successful and complete. All the drawings beautiful and unique. Along the back hallway was a collection of real projects of graduates working in the field today. Even after their release from the school they possessed the attributes of a renegade. They showed that like them as I learn and develop these skills I will keep them with me. Thus I am just like the students before me and hopefully my work will one day be seen as the work of a great renegade. I try to think outside the box while keeping myself within the guidelines. If I come to a great solution or idea, I work to make it greater. Everything should have purpose and reason. Everything should be beautiful and unique. To be a renegade is to be a true architect.